Before every Reiki session, I prepare the room by cleansing, empowering and blessing it. Every client enters an energetically pristine space to feel safe and protected during the healing process.
Once the client arrives we sit on the sofa for an introductionary chat where any open questions can be asked (it's not necessary to talk about the reason for coming or any issues as they will come up during the session, but sometimes it helps to talk about it, in any way) and then proceed to the bench. While the client settles I add a blanket and comfortable pillow under the knees (sometimes even a hot water bottle, no expense is spared!) and sit at the head to gather the energy we will be working with.
During the whole session I will be slowly moving from your head over your main chakras down to the feet and you are very welcome to spontaneously laugh, cry, chat, fidget or get up for a wee as I will be talking, too, explaining what I see and what I do to release/change/heal it.
Once finished, every client will feel as if in a peaceful bubble which I call the "Reiki bubble", slightly detatched and relaxed. We finish the session with a short comparison to how the client has felt before coming to how the client feels now and that marks the end of the whole session.
Whatever happens and is being talked about is under strict confidentiality and is being embraced with empathy at all times.